Living Leaders
A podcast about conscious, regenerative leadership.
32 episodes
Building Healthy Organizations through Operational Mastery | Garrett Delph
In this episode of Living Leaders, we sit down with Garrett Delph, the visionary founder of Clarity Ops, to delve into the crucial aspects of building operational excellence within businesses. Garrett shares his transformative journey from expe...
Creating Global Impact through Heart-Driven Leadership | Paul D. Lowe
In this illuminating episode of Living Leaders, host Nicole Bellisle engages in a profound conversation with Paul D. Lowe, founder of the World Game Changers. They explore how to use intuition to guide leadership action and find other mission-a...

Healing Corporate Culture with Purpose-Driven Leadership | Lara Bezerra | Ep. 30
In this engaging episode of Living Leaders, host Nicole Bellisle sits down with Lara Bezerra to explore the transformative power of conscious leadership. Lara shares insights from her extensive career in the pharmaceutical industry, emphasizing...
Season 1
Episode 30
Humanizing Leadership through Authenticity and Vulnerability | Gerardo Segat | Ep. 29
In this week's episode, join us for an enlightening conversation with Gerardo Segat, a distinguished CEO, Chairman, and entrepreneur turned international business coach, as we delve into the transformative power of authentic leadership.
Episode 29

Quantum Leadership and Embodying Soul Values | Jennifer Redden | Ep. 28
In this episode, Jennifer Redden, a quantum leadership mentor, shares her holistic approach to leadership. She emphasizes the importance of understanding our unique energetic signature and developing practices that allow us to fully embody our ...
Episode 28

AstroPsychology as a Blueprint for Unlocking Your Leadership Potential | Angelika Matev | Ep. 27
What does your birth chart reveal about your leadership potential? Our special guest Angelika Matev joins us to explore the intersection of astrology and psychology.Angelika shares how astropsychology provides a personalized map to self-...

The Healing Power of Embodied Feminine Leadership | Klementina Karol | Ep. 26
Is feminine leadership the key to our future?When it comes to co-creating a more sustainable and just future, it’s clear we need to do something different. We know that business as usual is broken, but what exactly are we transitioning i...
Season 2
Episode 9

Leaving a Leadership Legacy Worth Remembering | Jann Freed, PhD | Ep. 25
We're thrilled to share our conversation with Dr. Jan Freed, a beacon of wisdom in the realm of leadership. Dr. Freed, a keynote speaker, leadership expert, and author, is no stranger to the concept of legacy, bringing to the table her ...
Season 2
Episode 8

Disruption in the New Human Renaissance | Dr. Scott W Mills | Ep. 24
Humans are in a moment of existential crisis and loneliness. According to Dr. Mills, we are currently experiencing a New Human Renaissance. Old systems and industries are dying. We can see that the emperor has no clothes,...
Season 2
Episode 7

Healing Abusive Relationships, Culture & Self Talk | Amanda Kate | Ep. 23
If you've been on a journey of personal transformation, you know that transformation is not a painless process... Doing the deep inner work can bring us to our knees. Breaking away from beliefs that no longer serve us can feel like...
Season 2
Episode 6

Finding Your Genius to Live a Life of Purpose | Kevin Kepple | Ep. 22
How do we tap into our unique genius so we can live a life of purpose? If we are not living a life that is authentic to us, we lose access to our own vitality and creativity. There are many “templates” out there for what succ...
Season 2
Episode 5

Authentic Storytelling Builds Trust | Jason Cercone | Ep. 21
What if sharing the authentic story actually got us better results? What if being real was more important than being perfect?Jason Cercone joins me on the show today for a conversation about brand authenticity and storytelling. Although...
Season 2
Episode 4

The Death of a Business Paradigm | Janet Booth | Ep. 20
What can executives and business owners learn from the world of end-of-life care? We’re about to find out, from today’s guest, Jan Booth, who happens to be a palliative care nurse and seasoned death doula. Loss and change are an in...
Season 2
Episode 3

Prototyping Community & Money-Less Economies | Martin Theis | Ep. 19
What does the future of community, governance and finance look like? Humanity is a massive evolutionary moment across all systems. Many of our systems are failing, and we’re seeing the harmful limitations of our dominant western cul...
Season 2
Episode 2

Healing the Trauma Response Among Leaders | Greg Wieting | Ep. 18
Leaders today have an opportunity to stop cycles of harm and heal patterns of multigenerational trauma. Leadership today can be very reactive. Our work cultures often don’t leave much room for us to be human, and so we find ourselve...
Season 2
Episode 1

Being Resilient & Adaptive in the Face of Crisis | Mark Ashby | Ep. 17
What is high performance leadership? And what are the most effective leadership qualities during a crisis? Who better to answer this question than Mark Ashby. Mark has held Specialist roles in the Australian Army and was dep...
Season 1
Episode 17

Finding Self-Worth & Identity Outside of Work | Dmitria Burby | Ep. 16
What happens when we've built everything we thought we wanted, but still aren't happy? We have the successful career, the house, the family... but we're still missing something... our true selves. When we stay in the addicti...
Season 1
Episode 16

Choosing Happiness and Being Enough | Karyn Seitz | Ep. 15
Karyn Seitz is known as The Happiness Mentor. What is happiness? And what is preventing us from being fully happy? Like many of us, Karyn was chasing success externally, and outsourcing her happiness to others. As she ...
Season 1
Episode 15

Rewriting our Mindsets & Decoding the Matrix | Dr. Victor Manzo | Ep. 14
If you’ve ever been burnt out, questioned the conventional definition of success, or wondered if there is more to life than hard work, then this episode is for you. In this episode:Redefining “success”What bu...
Season 1
Episode 14

Initiation and Ceremony in Business | Ep. 13
Initiation is the process of stepping into a new version of oneself. It often involves stepping into the unknown and leaving behind a version of self that you can’t ever go back to. This can be quite terrifying. However, when these big transiti...
Season 1
Episode 13

Choosing to Make the Quantum Leap | Ep. 12
What does it mean to take a leap of faith? And what (or who) waits for us on the other side?I took a leap of faith 3 years ago when I chose to leave the 9-5 model. I now travel the world living a global, seasonal lifestyle within a dece...
Season 1
Episode 12

Global, Seasonal Lifestyle Design | Ep. 11
It can be scary to leave the current “template” of work. If we leave the “norm” or what is expected of us, will we be abandoned? Will we run out of resources? Fear can keep us stuck. The fear may even seem quite rational.Since leaving my...
Season 1
Episode 11

Manifestation & Living from Full Integrity | Ep. 10
What does it mean to live a life of full integrity? And how might it impact our ability to manifest?How we lead our lives is a form of leadership. The choices we make and the lifestyles we build for ourselves are all a reflection of our...
Season 1
Episode 10

Ancestral Healing and Utilizing Intuition | Ep. 9
This week I’m coming to you from Ireland! I’ve felt a pull to come here since I was a little girl, and through honoring my intuition, it’s finally happened. I’ve been connecting with the land and ancestors, on this magical quest to live this se...
Season 1
Episode 9

Work Trauma Addictions & Coping Mechanisms | Ep. 8
The conditions of modern work culture often cause us to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms in an attempt to regulate our nervous systems. For many of us, we have become addicted to or reliant upon coping mechanisms like fueling ourselves with ...
Season 1
Episode 8